Sunday, September 10, 2006

Two Months Old

Caroline turned two months old on September 10, and she has really grown. She is already up to 12 pounds, which is at the high end of the healthy weight class for her length of 24 inches. She also had her first vaccinations this week, which were definitely a shock to the system! The hardest thing for us now is that we are still trying to find the right formula that is easy on her stomach. Probably the biggest blessing is that she sleeps six hours or more most nights. It has been a big adustment for Galen to go back to semester classes and leave Lori and Caroline alone during the day, but thankfully his office is only one mile from home, and his schedule has some flexibility in it. We already have learned how demanding new parenthood can be, but Caroline is so beautiful too, and we can't wait for giggles, hugs, and first words. Until then, we are pleased to share some of our favorite pictures. We really appreciate everyone who has shown care for us and who tells us that you enjoy the blog. Thank you to all for your love and prayers!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Caroline meets the (future) Governor

Asa Hutchinson, candidate for the Governor of Arkansas, made a campaign stop just north of Siloam Springs in Gentry. Hutchinson is originally from this area and, after an appointment by President Reagan as U. S. Attorney, became U. S. Representative for our district in Congress from 1996-2002. He has also headed the Drug Enforcement Administration, been the Undersecretary for Homeland Security, and led the President's Board to Protect American Civil Liberties. He was extremely kind to us and took time from his busy schedule to talk with us about our families and his vision for the state of Arkansas. We really like and appreciate Asa. And if he advertises the picture below with Caroline, how could he lose?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Caroline meets an Olympian

Our family recently took a short trip up to Rogers to support the Northwest Arkansas Run for a Child. Appearing at the event was Apolo Anton Ohno, the Team U. S. A. speed skater who won a gold and silver medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and a gold medal and two bronze medals at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. Apolo was happy to meet Caroline, sign a Wheaties box cover for her to appreciate in the future, and provide the picture below for our album. I think the woman behind him is jealous! The Springdale Morning News ran an article on Ohno's visit that mentions Caroline; you can read it by clicking here:

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Hat Collection

In preparation for cooler weather and the approach of fall, Caroline has been trying out some of the trendiest baby hats for the new season. What do you think?